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Libertines frontman and Margate resident Pete Doherty arrested again in Paris after 'drunken brawl'

Libertines rocker Pete Doherty has been arrested for a second time in just 48 hours while in Paris.

His arrest is understood to have happened after he was released from police custody following his earlier arrest for a suspected 3am drug deal in the Pigalle district of the French capital.

Pete Doherty outside court after his driving ban
Pete Doherty outside court after his driving ban

According to the Mail Online, the rocker, who lives in Eastern Esplanade in Margate, went out after his release and threw punches at a teenage boy in the Saint-German-des-Pres area.

His lawyer said the singer had gone home to take sleeping pills before heading out again in his pyjamas to celebrate his release from police custody.

He then "came to blows" with a teenager, said to be aged 19, and was arrested by police after a complaint was filed.

The singer now faces charges for "violence by a person in a state of drunkenness".

Just last month the singer was hit with a fine of £9,228 after being caught speeding four times in just three weeks.

Pete Doherty
Pete Doherty

The musician blamed a broken dashboard light, claiming the fault meant he could not see how fast he was driving each time he was flashed by a speed camera on the same 30mph stretch in Cliftonville.

But his excuses failed to help him avoid a six-month driving ban and fines after it emerged he already had nine penalty points on his licence.

In August, Doherty opened his bar The Waste Land at The Libertines' property in Eastern Esplanade.

The band bought the building in 2016 and have renovated it to include 10 rooms, a bar and recording studio spread over five storeys.

The hotel is expected to be completed in 2020 with the rooms and restaurant expected to open in the early part of the year.

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