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I was defending my family, claims arrested dad

Jane and Danik Ronayne outside their Faversham home. Picture: CHRIS DAVEY
Jane and Danik Ronayne outside their Faversham home. Picture: CHRIS DAVEY

A DISABLED father claims he was locked up by police for 12 hours after waving an axe handle at men armed with knives.

Danik Ronayne, 49, says thugs on the Millfield estate in Faversham are making his life a misery by throwing stones at his home and threatening violence to him, his wife, Jane, and their children aged between six and 14.

Mr Ronayne claims the tension came to a head on February 10 when the men, who had been drinking on the playing ground nearby, threw a concrete slab at his house, shouted abuse and threatened him with a knife.

But when the police arrived, they arrested him because he was holding an axe handle while the others had thrown their weapons in the bushes and left.

However, police said when they attended the scene they found no one else and are not looking for anyone.

A spokesman said Mr Ronayne could still be charged and the CPS is deciding whether to prosecute.

Mr Ronayne said: “What rights has a man to protect his family? I could have been stabbed to death.

“A lot of people round here have had trouble with these people but they are too scared to say anything. I want to speak out.”

He claimed that despite the fact he suffers from spinal spondylosis, he was locked up for 12 hours at Canterbury police station.

“I was treated like a criminal. You can go out to war and fight for your country, but you can’t defend your own home and family.”

Ch Insp Mark Chambers confirmed a man was arrested for possession of a pickaxe handle and bailed while further inquiries were made.

He said: “Police are currently investigating a complaint received by Mr Ronayne concerning his arrest.

“An officer is liaising with him and his family directly to work out the most appropriate way forward.”

Police spokesman Helen Bell said: “When officers arrived at the scene they found Mr Ronayne in the street holding a weapon. They asked him to give it up but he refused.”

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